Thursday, January 3, 2013

New Year's Resolutions

New year, new resolutions to pretend like I'm going to accomplish. So I figured I'd compile a list on the interwebs to hopefully keep myself accountable. Here goes:

1. Instagram photo-a-day: follow me, Frank, & Frankcito at #travieso365
started travieso365 on my 30th bday

2. Travieso365 journal: I saw something on Pinterest awhile ago that lead me to the design sponge post where a woman made a card index of all 365 days and made a point to write one thing that happened that day each year. This is my little "on this day" project. I have 4 notebooks, one for each season, and look forward to seeing how our life changes and grows through the years.
travieso365 journals for winter and spring

3. Take Frankcito to the park at least once a week. The poor baby has never been to the park, and we hardly take him outside. I want to get him out in Athens to see the city I love so much!
4. Take a shower and dry my hair every day. I've already failed at this one, but I wanted to do a slick top knot bun. That's my story, and I'm sticking to it.
5. Start a blog and write consistently.
6. Make my house more home-y and keep it neat and organized. My favorite chore is wiping counter tops. I don't know, it's kind of weird, I know.
see how clean my counter tops are?

What are your resolutions for 2013? Good luck with being awesome this year!

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